Friday, December 12, 2014

                                                                truth and reality,,,,,,,,

    our governments are also now at war with we the people,using,media,military,corporate,medical,police industrial complex on "we the people"
from my 56 year old critical thinking mind,
this world, more resembles a tale penned by Poe himself,,or like a really awful hollywood movie.
so,,,,what do we do.? 
i have tried many things,but,all i get is an odd look from friends,family alike.
today i was called a "nut job by some of my "friends" on FB.
alot of folks are just not awake,or thinking in a herd of sheep mentality.
they can not even think JFK,Sandy Hook,Vietnam,OKC bombing,Boston bombing,Waco,are manufactured events by our own government,,let alone that their Repub/Demo party would lie to them.
and the most obvious,the freaking jets dumping shite on us all, everyday and night.
    well,i am just going to get on with my life,as i have researched this for over 2 years.
and from outside the usa,compliments of vero beach sheriffs and their corrupt land lords,decided

 to fine me too much money
that i do not have,OR go to jail,,

And,,,i am just an artist painting pictures.

Sunday, December 7, 2014

Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Knew Japan Would Attack Pearl Harbor

                                 1945 Life Magazine:

Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Knew Japan Would Attack Pearl Harbor


                               Franklin Roosevelt (FDR) Knew Japan Would Attack Pearl Harbor

    FDR was a puppet to the banker industrialists who supported Japan,The USA,the U.K.,France.Italy,and Germany, before ,during and after WW2.
This evil elite cabal made million$ while we the people and millions of other good and free peoples died like slaughtered cattle all over the world. My beloved uncle Pfc, was killed in heavy combat in snow covered France at "The Battle of the Bulge" on 23 February,1945.
This was his 19th birthday.My father,was home alone in Brooklyn,N.Y.C. a few weeks later. The telegram boy, delivered to him the word that Arthur,was killed. My Dad, never recovered from that horrible day. Although he hid it well.He servred in Korea 5 years later.He fell in love with Peggy Kelly in 1956, married and fathered 9 healthy kids too.But eventually, it killed him.
And all my family knows it. And we were affected by it ,,to this day. Alas, it is not a patriotic story I tell to you here. It is about morals and ethics. About doing the right thing. It is about the truth. About love and family,pride in what you do. Being a good citizen and belonging to a community. It is all these things and more. This is how I was raised, what I was taught........ by my Dad and Mom. This is why I am who I am today. But I can not nor will I ever lower my morals,ethics or look the other way. We the people of the USA and the people of the world, are in for the biggest fight in human history. We are in war with our own government.
And I for one, I am in it for the long haul, even if it takes until the cows come home.
I am in it for my son,and all the children in the world.That they will live a good life. A free life,A happy life. And a peaceful life.
Peace to all peoples.
Robert O'Rourke
7, December 2014