truth and reality,,,,,,,,
our governments are also now at war with we the people,using,media,military,corporate,medical,police industrial complex on "we the people"
from my 56 year old critical thinking mind,
this world, more resembles a tale penned by Poe himself,,or like a really awful hollywood movie.
so,,,,what do we do.?
i have tried many things,but,all i get is an odd look from friends,family alike.
today i was called a "nut job by some of my "friends" on FB.
alot of folks are just not awake,or thinking in a herd of sheep mentality.
they can not even think JFK,Sandy Hook,Vietnam,OKC bombing,Boston bombing,Waco,are manufactured events by our own government,,let alone that their Repub/Demo party would lie to them.
and the most obvious,the freaking jets dumping shite on us all, everyday and night.
well,i am just going to get on with my life,as i have researched this for over 2 years.
and from outside the usa,compliments of vero beach sheriffs and their corrupt land lords,decided
to fine me too much money
that i do not have,OR go to jail,,
And,,,i am just an artist painting pictures.